Friday, September 17, 2004

La Lennoxa and Sting!!

Hello kiddies!!

Last Monday september 13th I got the chance to see Sting and Annie Lennox playing live in the Palacio de los deportes in Mexico City. It was a concert to remember where two of the most talented musicians on earth showed what they are capable of: making music in an organic way and at the same time connecting with people.

The concert started when Dominic Miller came on stage, performing guitar classics from different parts of the world showing why he plays with Sting. He superbly perfomed a set of 5 songs including "Shape of my heart" with Mr. Gordon Summer.

It was a much more mellow audience than that of last week's, you could notice that most of them knew Annie's and Sting's songs. After Dominic played, Sting introduced Annie Lennox in good Spanish. "Hola, amigos, cómo están. Soy Sting y es un gran honor introducir a mi amiga de gran talento: Annie Lennox", he said.

Then a beautiful blonde in jeans, a purple blouse and a black jacket, appeared on a simple no-screens stage, which made it a more human and romantic gig. I have to be honest, she is totally georgeous!!! I had seen her a thousand times on TV, but live, man, she's the best!!

She started with "Legend in my living room", I have to admit, I knew she had a great voice, and with time I thought it washed away, but she proved me wrong, she's got one of the most powerful and energetic voices I've ever heard!! She was amazing!!

The crowd remained in their seats, until we heard "No more I love you's". It really turned us on!! And she continued with songs from her latest album "Bare" and songs we all know like "Walking on broken glass", "Waiting in vain" with all the band and sounded excellent!!

Annie performed 13 songs, ranging from great pop to jazz and rock, including "Why", "Here comes the rain Again". I was more than satisfied and grateful to have the opportunity to see her, I cant believe how talented a person can be.

Then the main attraction started, a stage with 3 narrow screens showing fire videos, words and symbols got the crowd cheering as Sting appeared singing a very energetic, up-beat, techno version of "Send your love", known as the Dave Audé remix. Strange, don't you think?? You have a "normal" version of a song, which is the one that was distributed to the radio stations, and you started a gig with a techno remix of your song?? I thought no one could pull that off, well, Sting could, and he did it in a way only great artists can.

It was a fantastic show, displaying a great combination of technology and emotion, on the screens, you could see great video segments created with great quality and creativity (if you like to design, you know what I mean), very nice typography, etc.

Sting's huge talent, backed up by a great show of images and lights, kept all the audience happy for almost 2 hours.

The crowd cheered and sang as Sting performed a repertoir of new and classic material, like "Send your love", "Dead man's rope", "Never coming home", "Sacred love", "Whenever I say your name" which he sang with one of the girls of the backing vocals who sang with chilling energy, probably even better than the studio version in which Stng sang with Mary J. Blige. I feel terrible for not knowing her name.

The place almost collapsed in euphoria when Sting performed "Fields of gold", "Desert rose", "Roxanne", "Syncronicity II", "Everything she does is magic", "An Englishman in NY", "We'll be together tonight" with Annie Lennox, finishing with "If I ever lose my Faith" and "Every breath you take", the people's best!!

An excellent concert with even more excellent performers. And I got to see the for less than $30!!! I really got my money's worth!! I even owe them!!


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