Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Support the cause!!

I do not tend to get political on this blog, but this is an issue that has gone overseas and it is a matter of great importance.

This information was sent to me via e-mail by a friend living in Rio de Janeiro. She along with other mexicans living abroad are starting this movement.

I guess you know about the political facts happening in Mexico recently (and if not it is just a matter of searching in any search engine for "andrés manuel lópez obrador" and you will find the information).

A mexican politician, mayor of Mexico City, was impeached, taken away from his charge, and now probably will be judged and imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, nor does this charge exist in laws and regulations. The importance of this is that this guy is the one who holds the strongest probablity of becoming the next president, so the fact of removing him from his charge and sending him to prison is obviously an strategy of PRI and PAN (the other parties competing for the presidency) to eliminate his possibility of winning and, thus, remain in the power.

We mexicans are collecting signatures from people from all around the world, mexicans or not, to refuse the crime which is being commited not just against the guy but against the thousands of people who voted him to be the governor and against the millions of people who want to vote him for president in the elections race taking place next year. In an attempt to defend democracy we got through a historical fight, we are coordinating protests that will take place on sunday the 24th, at the same time that a procession in mexico called "procession of silence" will be led by López Obrador himself. Some of the cities where a protest is being organized are Sydney, Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, Toulouse, Paris, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco and Rio de Janeiro. If u know about someone who could be interested in joining the protest please tell him to look for information about the coordinators of each city in or just tell him to contact us.

Besides the protests, we want to send a document signed by as many people as possible, showing the government there are still people who fight for their rights. I know it sounds like a useless mess, but we prefer doing this rather than staying at home observing how our rights are disrespected. If you guys feel like supporting our fight please sign our petition in the following site:

Check the original the whole info (Spanish only) here.

For more info contact us:


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