Thursday, May 18, 2006


Hi BK!!

Seen this one before??

The White Stripes.

The Zurich.

Blue Building.


Torres de Satelite!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Sunset @ campus

"Under A blood Red Sky"

Monday, May 01, 2006

Sunset through my window.

Don't know who they are, but since they were posing for me too, I took the shot. And if you look at their eyes carefully, some of them spotted me.

Nice fountain.

Can you guess who she is??

Interesting church with a Poseidon's sculpture outside.

Can you read it?

I guess that's Poseidon outside another church.

One of Queretaro's squares.

"4% Economic growth. Not done. 4% PIB destined to education. Not done. 4% wage increase. Not done. Reaching 4% inflation rate. Not done. 4 out of 10 DO vote. Did anybody see the promised change??"

Different Union asking for not losing their jobs due to management changes.

"Stop inhuman 24-hour shifts!! We demand overtime payment!!"

More people.

Today's labor Day in Mexico, so, like in the US, there are demonstrations of people from unions demanding better working conditions.

Shadowman II.

Queretaro's Palace of Fine Arts... and my brother happy to walk for the shot.

In the same church there are some headless adornments. Creepy.

Pretty angel.

Went to Queretaro today and I got these shots of a rather strange church.

Fly Robin fly!!

Good morning!! If just people had a bit of more intelligence, this pond would look marvelous!! Please people take care of our place, it is the only one we've got!

I love it when it rains!!

Another drop!

Nice little drop!!

Green is life!!

Nature fresh!!

Yesterday it rained a lot, so after it I just took some pics of the things I got at home. And this is one of those.

After the rain...