Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ain't it cute??

A better look of this baby!!

I spotted this little one befoe going to class, nice one ain't it??

Friday, November 04, 2005

Greg enjoying the race!!

This is Juan Primo, Teacher also involved in this Project!

Just arriving to Toluca ready to support our Univerity!!. Alex, Lau, Greg and el Chato!!

Hi Arely!!

Hi bro!!!

Hi Lau!!!

This is Julian, great person, head of the mechanics department in our racing team, after the car suffered an accident...

The real deal!!! The UAQ Racing Team!!

Mary, part of the UAQ racing team!!

Hi Arely!! The UAQ racing team!!

Unfortunately, our car suffered an accident and couldnt continue...

Nice view, aint it??

Look at the little house!!!

Great day!! Cars and a beautiful landscape!!


Go Go Go!!!

Go UAQ Go!!!!

On your marks...

Getting r-e-a-d-y-!!!

nice sun aint it?

This is the one built at the UAEM the university I used to study at before moving to Queretaro.

Mhh, something's not right here... that's not outdoors clothing you are wearing girl in pink??

Are you READY!!!

And this one's the best!! The buggie created at UAQ, my school!!!

One ofthe three cars that La Salle university created...

This is a rather funny looking car...

Nice drink girl studying at UVM??

One more...

And yet another...

And some other schools' too..

And thats the delphi car...

Yep, look on the back, nice, huh?

Nice trees near the Nevado volcano.

Checking competition cars!!