Monday, May 30, 2005

Moon!! Posted by Hello

Night view of Queretaro. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

There are 5 men, 4 are tied up from each corner of the square to their legs using a twisted rope, and one at the top of the ppole playing a flute. When he starts playing the other 4 loose themselves to start spinning around the pole and making the rope untwist until they get to the ground. Posted by Hello

Papantla flying men getting ready. Posted by Hello

Beautiful fountain. Water comes from the top circle, too bad it was off when I went... Posted by Hello

More goals or shal we say baskets?? Posted by Hello

They used to pay "ball game", which was some kind of soccer-basketball kind of thing, and those rings were the "goals". There were 2 rings on each side of the field, players dribbled the ball using their feet and when they reached some distance near the opposite ring, they used their hip bones to make the leather-stone-hard ball go through the ring, scoring one point, the winning team was the one who scored more points or the one without broken hips. Yes!! Posted by Hello

Mexico City, and yes, it was water!! Posted by Hello

They built pyramids on top of pyramids. Posted by Hello

Ladies and Gents... Mexico City as originally intended!!! Posted by Hello

Man representation... and my brother very happy about it... Posted by Hello

Check the fascination for snakes and other reptiles... anunakis once more?? Posted by Hello

The back of this godess. Posted by Hello

I'll post the name of this godess later (my ignorance is quite big...), she's the godess of war, and as you can see, she's a two-serpent-headed person wearing a snake skirt. Posted by Hello

Detail of the calendar. Posted by Hello

The sun's calendar. Mexicas were highly educated people, with the sacrifice exception, and this was a very acurate calendar, it works even in our days, not all of us know how to read it... but the interestiing part is that according to its deciphers, Earth as we know it, will be destroyed in 2012. Posted by Hello

In this stone, human sacrifices were made, and the used to place the victim's heart right in the center of it Posted by Hello

Mexica (yep, goes without the "n") Culture feline. Posted by Hello

Museo de Antropologia e Historia. Posted by Hello

Some water flowers. Posted by Hello

Great colors. Posted by Hello

A closer but blury shot of what was inside the spaceman's tomb. Posted by Hello

It is said that this tomb covers the body of an astronaut, this is a replica, but the real thing is in Palenque, and the stone block which covers it has the image of someone with a space helmet, grabbing some kind of controls, and with pedals at his feet, interesting, huh?? Anunakis perhaps?? Posted by Hello

The mask and the rest of the adornments. Posted by Hello

Jade mask. Posted by Hello