Sunday, November 28, 2004

Camera suggestions!!

I was wondering if you could help me get a new camera. I got this cheap one and I want to get to the next level (still, not proffesional!!). I'd like to know about cameras with manual controls for the shooter and aperture, but without being have-to-sell-my-kidney expensive. Im still recovering from the frustration and anger, because I tried to get a used one at, which is something like ebay, but I was framed, I made a deposit of $330USD and the guy just disappeared.

Im a student, working part time (well, 1.5 hours a day!!), so I dont get that much money!! :( sad, sad and poor!!! :(

Thanx and happy coming holdays!!

Final exams!!

Its been more then a week since I posted anything, I was under a lot of stress. Have you had the kind of semester when you dont do pretty much anything until the last to weeks of it?? Man! Im exhausted!! But it finally finished! Just got to deliver some projects during the next 2 weeks, and that would be over... I hope!!

So, today I was invited to Tequisquiapan by one of my very best friends, Perla, who's originary from Chicago, but she's got a nice place there in Tequis just to relax...

She showed us aroud Tequisquiapan and I got some pictures, so without further adue, here they are!!

Tequisquiapan's train station, and one of Mexico's last to work. Posted by Hello

Bus-tram for a 360 view of Tequisquiapan. Posted by Hello

Yet, another view! Posted by Hello

Same church, different view. Posted by Hello

Teqisquiapan's Main Sq. Posted by Hello

Tequisquiapan's Main Church. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Irapuato's Soccer players' Hall of fame Posted by Hello

What went wrong? All of them are OK except these two trees. Posted by Hello

Monument in Irapuato. Posted by Hello

Sunday, November 14, 2004

One of the few times I go to mexico city and it wasnt sunny. Posted by Hello

Good morning!! Thats what I see everyday through my bedroom window.  Posted by Hello

Hello kiddies!! Posted by Hello

Monday, November 01, 2004

Dreams in Technicholor. Posted by Hello

O'Brother, where art thou?? Ha ha... Posted by Hello

Palace of Fine Arts. Mexico City. Posted by Hello

The street of the dead from the top of the Sun's pyramid. Posted by Hello

Moon's pyramid. Teotihuacan. Posted by Hello

Dad, mom and my brother, halfway to the top of the Sun's pyramid.. Posted by Hello

Sun's pyramid. Posted by Hello

Moon's pyramid in Teotihuacan... and a guy here in the front. Posted by Hello

Yeah, right!! Go all the way up to Pachuca trough highway number ???!!! Damn!! Posted by Hello

Care for a trip?? Posted by Hello

Repetition exercise!! Posted by Hello